About Health Care for All Colorado

HCAC supports single payer health care because it is the only solution that provides health care for everyone and contains costs while improving quality. HCAC remains open to a robust public option on a national level and supports the right of states to pursue their own innovative health reform plans.

Are you ready for the launch of an incredible year of educating and advocating for health care justice in Colorado?

We are.  One single standard of high quality care for all without financial barrier -- single-payer, improved and expanded Medicare for all for life.  The reality of health care reform for Colorado and the nation.

Health Care for All Colorado (HCAC) is a nonprofit organization in Colorado working to:

  • inform Coloradans about advantages of the (public) single-payer system of financing health care,
  • create a coalition that will develop strategies for achieving comprehensive, affordable and high quality health care for all Coloradans, and
  • build a grassroots movement that will campaign for the single-payer system in Colorado, including work to support citizens ballot initiative for 2014 supporting health care as a human right and a public good in Colorado.

Our sister organization, The Health Care for All Colorado Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) and works to educate Coloradans about single-payer health care and also supports the Colorado chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP).


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This would is a great time to bring your membership dues current.  

To pay your dues:  CLICK HERE 


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  • Calvin Miller
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-11-20 15:22:12 -0700
    About Health Care for All Colorado
  • Joseph B
    commented 2015-11-15 21:02:22 -0700
  • Joseph B
  • Joseph B
  • Patti Miller
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-31 16:17:53 -0600
    About Health Care for All Colorado
  • posted about this on Facebook 2015-01-24 11:31:06 -0700
    About Health Care for All Colorado
  • Elizbath Martin
    commented 2014-12-29 00:20:14 -0700
    It’s good to work for the betterment of the health care one off the most serious problem people are facing now days.
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-12-01 15:01:48 -0700
    About Health Care for All Colorado
  • bob cat
    commented 2013-12-01 15:01:01 -0700
    Thank you
  • bob cat
    commented 2013-11-06 19:17:42 -0700
    TY :)
  • Monica Koziol
    commented 2013-11-06 13:38:19 -0700
    I think the ACA is a great start, but I am unemployed and have been w/o work for five years. I am 56 and caring for an infirmed family member since 2007. Since there are no children in the house, applying for Medicaid is out of the question. Paying into Medicare so everyone is covered is a great idea but it should no longer have “parts”. That I think, has only made it less effective.
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-10-23 20:51:18 -0600
  • Jerry Newsom
    commented 2013-09-30 16:15:53 -0600
    There’s an amazingly simple fix for Health Insurance in the US:

    Set a price for ANYONE to buy into Medicare……it would shore up this program and at the same time, help those who need affordable healthcare!!! In no time, a majority of Americans would choose this plan……and the Right Wing can keep their own insurance and avoid SOCIALISM!!!
  • TheRealAbbyNormal
    commented 2013-07-11 21:11:52 -0600
    the #HR676 universal hc bill creates 2.6 Million #jobs day one and Trillions in Revenues covers dental eye glasses mental health 2 we have 40 million + infected with parasites and they have no clue as of yet !
  • Mark Diaz
    commented 2013-06-20 01:22:26 -0600
    Persevere!! Medicare and Socxial Security both took years to pass. We need a rational, single payer plan for the US. Senators have socialized medicine, and while a system like the German model does not, IT DOES cover everybody! We would save $BILLIONS/year and prevent thousands of medical expense caused bankruptcies if we used a sensible model instead of the half-assed hodge podge we have now.
  • Jill Suzanne
    commented 2013-05-16 08:58:50 -0600
    Don’t want health care reform ? It doesn’t affect you anyway.

    Well my right leg is numb and ins. won’t pay for my surgery and since I’m powerless to do anything I’m just going to get in the car and drive that 3 ton weapon all over town anyway.
  • C.E. Nicholson
    commented 2013-05-15 07:59:23 -0600
    Honestly, do you really think 2 milliion people would leave Colorado? A more important question to ask following your line of reasoning is why would 2 million people leave Colorado? An epidemic? Rampant pollution? And, even in such an extreme example, why wouldn’t a premium adjustment not be acceptable. Right now, you have a kind of national socialism where individuals tie their welfare to a corporation in order to have their health care expenses subsidized…
  • C.E. Nicholson
    commented 2013-05-09 08:58:30 -0600
    About fifteen years ago our resort company pioneered COBRA bridging for its seasonal employees, many of whom represent the spine and soul of the winter sports business. Prior to that, many of us went without medical health insurance until the company could pick us up when the winter season came around again. A few years ago, the company rolled back this benefit until it costs far more now [about double] to bridge than it does to go outside and break down the family coverage to find what is economical. When I asked someone in HR why this important benefit had been rolled back, the one line answer I got was, “Obamacare.” That’s nonsense. While not perfect, the Affordable Healthcare law is an important step in breaking the stranglehold insurance companies have over our health care and health insurance system. Why, for example, is it in the public’s interest for insurance companies to be exempt from federal anti-trust laws? The answer can only be, it isn’t. It’s in their interest and that must stop. They can’t have it both ways, claiming a free and competitive marketplace is the American way toward a solution, then rig the system in their favor. Let them compete with the public. In Colorado, if five million people got together and each paid a level premium for universal health insurance coverage, I would bet dollars to donuts we’d soon have a healthy and functioning system that we could all be proud of and would be a model for the rest of our nation.
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-05-09 08:58:05 -0600
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-05-08 16:50:03 -0600
  • Rick Allen
    commented 2013-05-06 14:09:53 -0600
    I have been a trustee on a Health and Welfare Multi Employer Fund for a long time. about a decade. I have watched our costs triple in ten years. We have made major modifications to our plan just to slow down the losses and when we did have one year we actually built reserves and within a year it was upside down again. We are looking at the possibility of taking all of the benefits but major medical away just to keep a benefit of some kind. This is a disgusting problem and this country (USA) should be much smarter about this issue. I applaud Colorado for trying to get a single payer system. Yes it will cost tax payers money but it will save those who are paying for insurance out of their pocket and even those in company health plans a lot of money. It also reduces the possibility of uncompensated health care which means people who go to the emergency room for everything and don’t pay a penny. That costs hospitals a large amount. I did the research 4 or 5 years ago and it cost one hospital in Colorado Springs 84 million dollars in one year. But you know what, the hospital still made money because they accounted for the loss in their budget and raised their rates on those with insurance to cover the 84 million dollar delta. That is just one hospital in one town. Add it up for the state and see what that number looks like. All of that cost gets passed on to those with insurance and that is what is causing the problem. The only way to fix it is to cover everybody. I promise it will cause health care costs to drop. The hospitals won’t have to cover a huge number like what is listed above before they can even make a dime of profit. This should not be a political issue, it should be a social issue. The republicans are busy fighting everything about this because it dings one of their major contributors, health insurance companies. Health insurance companies are like any other business, they do not want to lose their revenue stream, but in this instance it is important that they do for all of our sakes.
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-04-02 15:31:14 -0600
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-02-22 12:44:28 -0700
  • Nathan Wilkes
    followed this page 2013-01-27 22:55:26 -0700
  • @amolison mentioned @HCAC link to this page. 2012-12-08 10:23:11 -0700
    About Health Care for All Colorado http://t.co/vF6rMgFP via @HCAC