Colorado HB24-1075

HB24-1075: 11th Hour Appeal

HB24-1075, the Analysis of Health Care Payment System, has nearly made it through the full legislative process.

Last year, HB23-1209 was in the same situation.

Last year, HB23-1209 had enough votes to pass, but leadership did not allow the bill to be heard and voted on before the legislative clock ran out.

Will Senate Democrats do right by the people of Colorado and bring the bill up tonight, or will they allow a delicious, ripe fruit to die on the vine?  All they have to do is pick it.

Let Senate leadership know you want them to do the right thing and not let HB24-1075 die.  Bring it up today.

Action Alert: HB24-1075 in Committee!

HB24-1075 –Analysis of Universal Health Care Payment System- is scheduled for a hearing in the House Health & Human Services Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 1:30.

A Brief History of Colorado Health Care Reform

Colorado has had a long history of moving towards universal health care.

These are some significant dates in that timeline.

HB24-1075: Universal Health Care Analysis Bill Introduced!


In the first week of the Colorado 2024 legislative session, a new bill has been introduced to finally create a robust and detailed analysis of universal health care in Colorado!

Prime sponsor, Representative Karen McCormick has introduced HB24-1075 "Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System" into the Colorado legislature.  A similar bill, HB23-1209, was introduced last year but ultimately fell victim to the legislative clock running out.  By introducing the new, updated bill this early in the session (first week!) it is much more likely to make it through the legislative process.  The goal is to have this bill get through both the House and Senate by March 25th, ahead of the "long bill" that tends to delay remaining legislative work.

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