Health Care for All Colorado is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit social welfare organization created to promote and work towards publicly financed (single-payer) universal health care in Colorado and the United States.
Consent for Communications
We make every effort to respect opt-on and opt-out requests, and request user disclosure during interactions on our website if not already selected.
Contacting us via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any other communications mechanism shall be implied consent for return communications until such consent is withdrawn.
Your information is only used for contact from HCAC, which may include branded subsidiary programs run by Health Care for All Colorado.
We will never share your personal information with any third party, and do not authorize the use of our contact database or any contents by any third party outside of HCAC or programs under our full control.
If you suspect that your information has been compromised, please inform us immediately.
Website Tracking
In order to create a more fluid and useful experience, we use analytics trackers across our pages. You may opt out of these tracking "cookies."