Ed Sadowski's Profile


Ed Sadowski

Ed Sadowski

author / former journalist, PR practitioner and librarian / website creator / market trend research / sports buff / intrigued with the holographic universe

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  • signed up on Ignite_signup 2017-06-07 11:13:08 -0600

    Interested in presenting an "Ignite" talk?

    Health Care for All Colorado is developing a series of short talks about health care reform and health care issues, following the "Ignite" presentation model.

    What is an "Ignite style" presentation?

    Ignite-style presentations are short, fixed-format presentations that typically comprise the following:

    • 20 "PowerPoint" slides
    • Each slide on a fixed 15-second timer, advancing automatically to the next
    • A total of 5 minutes (20 slides x 15 seconds each) for your presentation
    • Think of it like a mini "TED Talk" or similar to PechaKucha 

    What can my topic be about?

    Literally ANYTHING health care related that you find interesting and can deliver in 5 MINUTES! Possible topics include:

    • What's really behind the Republican health care plan?
    • How do we get to "Affordable" from the "Affordable Care Act?"
    • Your own personal health care story
    • What's the big deal about abortion in the health care debate, anyway?
    • Behind the numbers: Colorado health care statistics. What do they tell us?
    • Health benefits of yoga and meditation
    • Impact of [fracking | marijuana | deductibles | nurse/patient ratios | Medicaid expansion | ANYTHING] on health outcomes
    • Inspirational tales from the front lines of medicine

    I'm not a public speaker. How can I do this?

    While creating and delivering an Ignite-style presentation can be challenging, the short format make it easy for anyone to tell an interesting and compelling story and have fun doing it.

    There are many resources online that provide tips on writing your speech and developing your slides. Here are some such examples to get you started. Even more can be found online.

    Suggested online resources:

    Create an awesome Ignite in 6 steps


    How to give a great Ignite talk


    How to make slides Ignite-friendly


    What is an Ignite presentation,
    and why should you try it?


    The Fastest Way to Create an Ignite Presentation


    Please fill out this form to let us know you are interested in participating, even if you aren't sure about your topic yet. We are happy to help you in this process!


    Sign Up