We support a comprehensive analysis, conducted by the Colorado School of Public Health, that will definitively model a prospective universal health care system for Colorado.
We cannot solve our most fundamental problems in health care without shifting to universal health care.
Unfortunately, we do not have any such systems in the United States from which most people can draw a basic understanding.
In order to provide essential information to Colorado legislators and citizens on what a universal health care system would look like, how it would perform, how much it would cost, and what benefits would be offered, the Colorado legislature needs to authorize such a study.
Colorado HB23-1209 would authorize the Colorado School of Public Health to conduct a comprehensive analysis of statewide single payer, covering all residents for all necessary medical services without financial barriers.
HB23-1209 seeks to answer:
- What would universal, publicly-funded health care look like?
- How would a system impact employment across all sectors?
- How much would be saved per-person and system-wide?
- How would the system be fairly financed?
- What gaps and issues would be solved with this system?
- What would the comprehensive benefits include?
- What are the risks faced by not implementing universal health care?
"But didn't we do this all before?"
No, no we didn't. Click here for a brief history to refresh your memory.