HCAC Annual Meeting -- Going Virtual! Saturday, June 6, 2020
We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during this pandemic.
Since we continue to see the need to social distance for the foreseeable future, and since COVID-19 has rapidly accelerated the need for universal health care in the US, we will be hosting our very important Annual Meeting completely online this year.
Please pre-register here in order to get the Zoom webinar link on the morning of June 6th.
Only those pre-registered will receive the invitation/link for the web conference. Active/paid members will receive TWO links -- one for the general meeting and one for the business meeting.
Agenda details and more will be forthcoming, once we finish setting the full agenda and confirm all of our special speakers.
HCAC Virtual Annual Meeting
Saturday, June 6, 2020
10 am - Business Meeting (only active/paid members will receive this link)
10:30 am - General Meeting open to all
Online web conference information will only be sent to those that pre-register here.
AGENDA - 10am Business Meeting (paid members only)
HCAC Organizational Update (Lydia Guzman)
HCAC Financial Update (Lydia)
Update from HCAC Foundation (Tom Gottlieb, MD)
Nominating Committee report (Elinor Christiansen, MD; Jeanne Nicholson, RN)
Election of 2020/21 Officers
AGENDA - 10:30 am General Meeting (open to all registered)
Introductions, Welcome, Opening Remarks (Lydia)
Legislative Update (Judy Burke, RN)
Special Presentation, COVID-19 and Job Loss (Pam Parks, MD)
"My Healthcare Story" (Jeanne Nicholson, RN)
US Senate Candidates (all invited to participate live or via recorded statement) with Q&A
HCAC Strategic Plan (Lydia)
Technology and Communications/Marketing Discussion/Preview (Nathan Wilkes)
Special Presentation, COVID-19 and Medicare for All (Pam)
Closing Remarks
We look forward to you joining us from the comfort and safety of your own home or wherever you may be isolating yourself.