Liaison Project

Are You Interested in Becoming
a 2020 Candidate Liaison?

In the 2020 election, health care will be one of the most important issues. We are looking for volunteers to provide information to candidates on universal health care and single payer or Improved Medicare for All type finance systems. We hope to reach all Colorado candidates, unaffiliated and from all political parties, who are running in 2020.

If you are willing to participate in this important project click here to sign up.

For more info contact Laurie Beckel or Virginia Gebhart at [email protected].


Provide all Colorado candidates, unaffiliated and from all political parties, in the 2020 elections with information about universal health care and single payer or Improved Medicare for All type health care finance systems.

1)Choose a candidate(s) with whom you would like to partner. This may be a candidate(s) where you are the candidate’s constituent or where you are not a constituent. Offer to be their personal contact for information and support on Improved Medicare for All type health care finance reform.

2)Create a friendly, respectful relationship with the candidate(s) while encouraging them to make health care finance reform a top issue in their campaign.


We are interested in finding ways that every Coloradan could have comprehensive, affordable health care. We want elected officials to know that changing to a single payer or Improved Medicare for All type of public financing is the best way to cut costs and cover everybody. We will do an on-line survey of all the candidates about health care finance reform issues. We want candidates to know about single payer, Improved Medicare for All type systems so that they can provide thoughtful responses. The candidates’ responses will be reported to voters.


Candidate Liaisons will form alliances with candidates around health care issues. You can anticipate that the candidates(s) with whom you are partnered will look forward to hearing from you. Your interactions will be supportive, not confrontational. The candidate(s) will come to trust that you provide accurate facts and insights that help them look smarter and well informed. Only if a candidate feels comfortable with a topic will the candidate be willing to talk about it. When candidates talk about it, the public listens and gets educated. When the candidate gets elected, he, she, or they will have a connection to you and to our support organizations (Indivisible, Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, etc.).


1)Read the information training materials and become skillful with the conversation about the facts and in engaging your candidate(s).

2)Drop off an information handout to your candidate (materials provided) and include your contact information.

3)Develop and maintain a supportive and trusting relationship with your candidate for the duration of their candidacy—you decide what is appropriate for you with your time availability and/or what is requested from your candidate(s).


You choose the name(s) of candidate(s) with whom you’d like to partner. As much as possible, we want Candidate Liaisons to be constituents. Check out and choose local candidates for local offices as well as State Legislative and Congressional races. You know your local community election scene and where you might be most effective as a Candidate Liaison. You don’t have to know all the answers. You’ll get support with information, access to people to answer your candidate’s questions, supplemental resource materials and some basic training and directions. The conversation on health care finance reform is evolving quickly during this election season. We want to ensure that candidates know their constituents who expect real health care finance reform that will provide simple guaranteed quality health care for all for life.

If you are willing to participate in this important project click here to sign up.

For more info contact Laurie Beckel or Virginia Gebhart at [email protected]