April 2015 News
Health Care for All Colorado - NEWS – April 2015
- A message from Donna Smith, Executive Director, HCAC/HCACF.
- HCAC Denver Chapter Meeting – presentation by CHCC (Sen. Irene Aguilar)
- Colorado Cost Commission meetings
- Colorado legislature bills
- HCAC Annual Meeting
- HCACF Education Meeting/Fund Raiser – May 2015 – CANCELLED
- Medicare 50th Anniversary celebration – July 30, 2015 .
A Message from Donna Smith: Over the past weeks my health condition has resulted in a disability that does not allow me to work as fully on the work for which I have a passion. I am now recuperating with in-home nursing care following a GI bleed and a bloodstream infection with MRSA that caused septic pulmonary embolisms and surgical removal of an arm vein from my wrist to my shoulder. In the coming weeks I anticipate returning to part-time work to support the needs of both HCAC and HCACF, and then I hope to return to my usual schedule of work within the month, barring any relapse.
HCAC Denver Chapter Meeting – Report from April 11, 2015: Senator Aguilar presented her observations regarding health care reform on Saturday April 11, 2015. The presentation includes a recent history of health care reform in Colorado, the progress of the Colorado Health Care Cooperative (CHCC), and a response to questions posed by the audience of HCAC members and others. For a You-tube of the presentation please go to the HCAC website (http://www.healthcareforallcolorado.org/) at this link: https://youtu.be/AtwO5D9cVP0
Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care meetings: The CCAHC was created through bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senators Irene Aguilar, D-Denver, and Ellen Roberts, R-Durango. The commission's three-year mission is to analyze health care costs and make policy recommendations to the Legislature and the governor for lowering health care costs in the state. The meeting will be held on the second Monday of each month with the meeting locations to be determined each month. The last meeting was held on Monday April 13, in the Mountain View Room, Claver Hall, Regis University, Northwest Denver Campus.
Most important during these meetings is the opportunity for community and citizen comment. Please try to attend these meetings as they proceed over the next three years. These meetings are to be held not only in the metropolitan area but throughout the state. For more information refer to the website at (https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/CCAHC).
Hospital Bills for consideration by the current legislature: The HCAC website maintains an up-to-date record of the status of the health care bills being navigated through the legislature. Please refer to this website (http://www.healthcareforallcolorado.org/hcac_legislative_com).
HCAC Annual Meeting: Save the date - for late June 2015 (currently looks like Saturday, June 13th will be the day) for the HCAC Annual Meeting. The planned fund raiser for HCACF in early May 2015 is now cancelled due to Donna’s illness and the need for a longer planning time. The planned keynote speaker, Michael Lighty, has graciously agreed to reschedule for the HCAC Annual Meeting.
Medicare 50th Anniversary Celebration: Save the date – for July 30, 2015. Since 1965, Medicare has opened doors to health care and increased economic security for hundreds of millions of older people, people with disabilities, and their families. Plans both nationally and locally are being made by a number of organizations to celebrate the 50th Medicare anniversary on July 30, 2015. HCAC is now actively planning an event, yet to be determined where and what.
SUPPORT HEALTH CARE FOR ALL COLORADO: Go to the HCAC website and contribute so that the mission can move forward. (http://www.healthcareforallcolorado.org/)
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